Repainting and redecorating the house just in time for Diwali is one of those things we seem to do more and more. Continuing from our ‘Too Early for Diwali Shopping Series’, this Part 2 looks at the ever growing shopping lists we seem to make as the festive season approaches.
In Part 1, we said women have far longer shopping lists for Diwali compared to man. We said they have a larger number of lists, starting from delicacy preparation to clothes shopping. We are now moving to sprucing up the house, to make it Diwali ready – a fresh coat of paint, new curtains, new placemats, new floormats and maybe a new fixture or fitting.
This takes a lot of planning and research and finally, store-hopping, because we will need to match these newer additions to the existing theme, which takes us again to many DIY and hardware stores, malls and those many stalls that spring up just in time for the festive season, featuring rows and rows of brightly colored ornaments, plastic flowers and those must-have ‘twinkle-lights’.
Just as the house is given a face-lift, we have one other list to be covered, and the shopping for these takes place just a few days away from Diwali. This is when we go to wet markets and come home with huge bags of fresh food – mutton is a must-have, chickens, vegetables of all kinds and lots of fruits. Anyone hosting an Open House on Diwali will know that come what may, the compulsory chicken and mutton kurmas and curries are a must, and between elaborate lunches and dinners, dosas and idlis and parathas must be supplied non-stop.
So, with the fresh food shopping completed, the women have officially project managed and delivered their part of shopping, leaving some exclusive shopping segments to the menfolk. And what are these? Find out in Part 3.
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