Disney is set to release its much-anticipated animated film, Mufasa: The Lion King, a prequel to the classic The Lion King. The film will explore the early life of Mufasa, introducing him as an orphaned cub who stumbles upon fellow lion cub Taka, the heir to a royal lion family. The film is set to feature epic battles, heartwarming moments, and stunning animation.
Mufasa will be released in multiple languages across the world, and will be dubbed in Telugu too. Actor Mahesh Babu will voice Mufasa in the film, while other notable stars including Brahmanandam will voice Pumbaa’s character and Ali will voice Timon.
As for Malaysian fans, Mufasa will be released on 19th December 2024 in popular cinemas including GSC, TGV and MBO Cinemas. To stay updated on showtimes and showings, visit Cinema.com.my’s website.