The need for a new definition of masculinity has never been felt more before. In the wake of various narratives through time ranging from archetypes of the alpha male, the provider, the strong & silent one, the ideal husband, the ideal son to the more recent narratives of the smooth achiever, toxic masculinity, gender equalization – it’s clear that today’s mainstream perception of masculinity stands a bit confused. The new world itself has brought about triggers of change that have enhanced the need to redefine what it means to be a man. Democratization, access to opportunity & finance has diminished the power, status & authority material wealth bestows, what used to set men apart & elevate them no longer does to that extent. The growing need for gender equality in society & diversity at the workplace has only added to this loss of power because a gender that identified itself with providing & responsibility no longer holds the solo mandate on it. Start-up culture has then worked at adding pressure – success now seems like it should be more within reach.
And so it’s quite imaginable that men ask what being a man today involve, what should men hold close? What are the values that call men out? What sets him apart?
Platinum Guild International (PGI), India lends a powerful and a much-desired narrative to masculinity as they foray into a new category – platinum jewellery for men. A category that has shown immense potential & yet seems underleveraged promises to be next game changer for Platinum. Launched as “Men of Platinum”, this campaign brings to light the emergence of a new breed of men, men of character. These are men whose values define them & mark of their character. They seek a greater purpose, they look for stature & not just status, meaning & not just material wealth. They don’t expect a life of privileges handed over – rather they build their own path with their values intact. They have the courage to pursue their dreams and bounce back if defeated, the ability to stand their ground & never retreat, the temperament to remain calm in the face adversity; they follow their belief system no matter the outcome. Their curiosity to learn and humility to carry people along & even get others to rally around them is remarkable. They are a source of inspiration – the men that most men aspire to be. These men have found platinum within; they are rare men of character.
‘Team Work – Men of Platinum’
Through this campaign, PGI India brings to life examples of this new archetype – a man who holds these rare values dear & lives by them. The man today understands how inadequate his journey will be without values like perseverance, courage, humility, curiosity, authenticity or even the commitment to give back. He hence stands by them even though they are hard to abide by.
Platinum is the perfect fit for men like these. It is a metal that is rare to find, found in select locations in the world & requiring a mastery of skill to turn into jewellery – again something only a select few are capable of. It displays many rare qualities like natural whiteness, a high density, a high resistance to corrosion, purity at 95%. Men perceive platinum to be a metal is a differentiated, a marker of success & style. Rare platinum is symbolic of the rare values that sets some men apart from the others, says the Company.